
Retained Human Resource Consultancy Services

3 easy ways to manage your HR with us


Monthly Payment

All of the below is included:

• Competent HR advisors
• Full contract of employment
• Full company handbook
• Access to hundreds of HR templates
• 24 hour telephone advice
• 1&3 year agreements



One Off Payment

All of the below is included:

• Competent HR advisors
• Full contract of employment
• Full company handbook
• Access to hundreds of HR templates
• 24 hour telephone advice
• 1&3 year agreements



Bespoke Packages

Tailed to your business with the option of consultancy and site-based packages.

• Competent HR advisors
• Full contract of employment
• Full company handbook
• Access to hundreds of HR templates
• 24 hour telephone advice
• 1&3 year agreements

Retained HR Services

At OJ, we pride ourselves on ensuring a consistent, professional, and most importantly personal service. All of our work is fully certified and fully insured by qualified HR experts. Our advisors are members of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD).

Our knowledgeable and Highly Qualified HR experts have a good understanding of employment law. Whether you need general HR support with employment handbooks, contracts of employment, managing disciplinaries, or any human resource issue, we can help. Our human resource consultancy services can help you avoid employment tribunals and a potentially damaged reputation whilst allowing you to concentrate on your daily business commitments.

Our HR Consultancy service includes:

Access to a fully compliant, competent HR consultant

  • Personalised HR service including:
    • Advisory service
    • Policy development
    • Training management
    • Employment handbook development
    • Contracts of employment
    • Disciplinary meetings
    • Letter writing
  • Discount on Health and Safety packages
Human Resource Consultancy Service form

Professional and reliable HR support for small businesses

Company handbooks and contracts of employment can easily be affected by legislative changes. You will need to constantly review these changes and proofread your company’s human resources documentation.

Or let OJ HR support services do it for you.

Our team of experts have many years’ HR & employment law experience. We produce hundreds of contracts, handbooks and policies every year.

We have experience with every problem, you as an employer, may face and we have experience in many different industries.

Let our qualified experts take care of your HR so you can run your business. After all, that’s what you do best. Call OJ today on 0800 634 9 247.
