
Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid

The term ‘mental health‘ can be defined as our psychological and emotional well-being. Managing mental health is just as important as physical health, it has been overlooked and neglected for too long. Mental Health First Aid can prevent individual harm and harm to others as well as making the workplace a much safer place for those struggling.

It is estimated that around 1 in 4 people experience a mental illness every year. This statistic is preposterously high but there are a few ways in which this figure can be reduced.

One way is Mental Health first-aid training. It is not as well-known as physical health first-aid training but it is just as important.

It is easy to feel helpless when a loved one or someone you know is suffering with a mental issue but there are ways to help.

We offer two separate courses, these are the 1-day in-house course and the 2-day accredited course through Highfield. Details of both courses can be seen below.

Mental Health Awareness

Why is mental health first aid important?

The importance of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) derives from its ability to provide early intervention and assistance by teaching people how to identify the warning signals of mental health issues in both themselves and others. Additionally, mental health first aid allows the timely assistance for managing emotional distress, preventing crises, and encourages early intervention to aid recovery.

I’m interested, what do I do next?

For more information on the services we provide, please email or call OJ Health and Safety at 08006 349 247.

What topics does the course cover?

What factors can affect mental health

The duties of a Mental Health First Aid Responder

How to support an employee when returning to work after a mental health issue

Physical first aid techniques in response to mental health issues

How to assist an individual who is experiencing stress and anxiety

Comprehension of psychosis

How to conduct a risk assessment while assisting an individual

Suicide continuum

Identifying and understanding self-harm, PTSD/OCD, as well as eating disorders

The differences between an immediate threat to life and a medical emergency

How to show empathy

Summary of all the relevant legislation

The 1 day in-house


You will learn about the most common mental health conditions, as well as how to recognise when someone is in emotional distress. This will provide you with confidence and competence when helping others and you will be able to provide aid effectively.

You will also be made aware of the importance of resilience and self-care for first aiders for mental health. Moreover, this course will provide you with a greater outlook on the importance of recognising mental issues and the knowhow of how to manage specific issues in the workplace.

The 2 day

accredited course

It takes two days to become a Mental Health First Aider with this course. It cultivates the skills required to support a wide range of issues in the workplace. Consequently, you’ll be able to identify the distinct triggers of common workplace challenges and know how to intervene safely if necessary and successfully guide an individual to the right mental health support.

As well as teaching you how to identify the signs of mental health struggles in others, it also educates you on how to recognise symptoms in yourself, and how to seek the right support.

Our assessors

Our assessors are all highly qualified with incredible patience.

They have the capacity to cater to the learning needs of all participants.

Our tutors are experienced with a wealth of knowledge at their disposal.

Course sizes and pricing

Both courses accommodate to a maximum of 12 people at a time.

The 1 day course is priced at: £125 + VAT per person


The 2 day course is priced at: £249 + VAT per person

To book onto either of our Mental Health First Aid courses, please call 0800 6349 247 or fill in the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
