
Health and Safety Policy

Your business must have a health and safety policy, and if you have five or more employees then it must be formally written down. OJ Health and Safety is here to help you develop a meaningful, accurate, and legally compliant Health and Safety Policy, which properly reflects your company’s activities.

The Health and Safety Policy is set out in three sections:

The statement of general policy on health and safety at work sets out your commitment to managing health and safety effectively, and what you want to achieve.

Health and Safety Policy Enquiry Form

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The organisation section sets out who is responsible for specific actions within your company from emergency procedures to risk assessing etc.

The arrangements section contains the detail of what you are going to do in practice to achieve the aims set out in your statement of health and safety policy.

The arrangements section should say how you will meet the commitments you have made in your statement of health and safety policy. Include information on how you are going to eliminate or reduce the risks of hazards in your workplace.

The arrangements section also sets out all the additional actions you take to manage health and safety. They could include such things as staff training right through to using signs to highlight risks. It could also extend to improved safety equipment, such as guards or additional personal protective equipment, including goggles, safety boots or high-visibility clothing or even replacing hazardous chemicals with less harmful alternatives.  The Arrangements section of your policy should focus your attention on the activities that could present a risk to people or cause serious harm.

What do we mean by ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’?

A ‘hazard’ is something in your business that could cause harm to people, such as chemicals, electricity and working at height. A ‘risk’ is the chance, however large or small, that a hazard could cause harm. The law states that the greater the risk, the greater the expense and effort required to manage that risk. Therefore, organisations must carefully assess and prioritise the risks they face in order to allocate resources efficiently.


3 easy ways to manage your health & safety with us


Monthly Payment

All of the below is included:

• Competent H&S Advisors
• Full Online Safety Management Systems
• Discounted training
• Large range of online courses
• Help with SSIP Accreditations
• 24 hour telephone advice
• 1&3 year agreements



One Off Payment

All of the below is included:

• Competent H&S Advisors
• Full Online Safety Management Systems
• Discounted training
• Large range of online courses
• Help with SSIP Accreditations
• 24 hour telephone advice
• 1&3 year agreements

FROM £566 PER year


Bespoke Packages

Tailed to your business with the option of consultancy and training packages.

• Competent H&S Advisors
• Full Online Safety Management Systems
• Discounted training
• Large range of online courses
• Help with SSIP Accreditations
• 24 hour telephone advice
• 1&3 year agreements
