
Competent Person Service

All businesses in the UK are required by law to have a Competent Person in place to advise of health and safety. The more risks and the more complex the operations involved in the business the more experience and or qualifications this person must have. You must have help from a competent person to enable you to meet the requirements of health and safety law.

When looking to fulfil the role of a Competent Person, you should give preference to those in your organisation who have the appropriate level of competence (which can include the employer themselves) before looking for help from outside. However, in many situations the Directors and staff, although highly trained and experienced in what they do, find that they are lacking in the health and safety knowledge or time required to achieve what they need to within their industry.

Competent Person Enquiry Form

Other Services

Very often it is expensive to hire someone in that singular role and the role would not demand a full- time position. Staff do not always want to take on that extra responsibility or the training that must come with it. There is an option. Here at OJ Health and Safety, we are qualified and experienced in all areas of production, manufacture, and construction which enables us to act as your Competent Person for a fraction of the price of hiring or training your employees. We have various packages, depending upon the level of support required to perfectly fit your business and your health and safety requirements.

We supply you with your annual Health and Safety Policy, and are available for telephone or email health and safety advice should you require it as well as formally acting as your competent person on any required applications. We can also provide other back-up and support services, including training and auditing to help you to get where you need to be.

3 easy ways to manage your health & safety with us


Monthly Payment

All of the below is included:

• Competent H&S Advisors
• Full Online Safety Management Systems
• Discounted training
• Large range of online courses
• Help with SSIP Accreditations
• 24-hour telephone advice
• 1&3 year agreements



One Off Payment

All of the below is included:

• Competent H&S Advisors
• Full Online Safety Management Systems
• Discounted training
• Large range of online courses
• Help with SSIP Accreditations
• 24-hour telephone advice
• 1&3 year agreements

FROM £566 PER Year


Bespoke Packages

Tailed to your business with the option of consultancy and training packages.

• Competent H&S Advisors
• Full Online Safety Management Systems
• Discounted training
• Large range of online courses
• Help with SSIP Accreditations
• 24-hour telephone advice
• 1&3 year agreements
