
Accident Investigation

Health and Safety Accident Investigation Services

In any business or organisation, things don’t always go to plan. You need to prepare to deal with unexpected events to reduce their consequences. Workers and managers will be more competent in dealing with the effects of an accident or emergency if they have effective plans in place that are regularly tested. Putting plans in place can also put the minds of all parties involved at ease, knowing that there are measures in place in case an incident occurs.

Accident Investigation accident form

What do we do?

If you are subject to a workplace accident or incident then OJ Safety provides a full accident investigation service to both clients and non-clients to assist with carrying out a thorough and sequential investigation from gathering evidence at the scene to interviewing witnesses and analysing data. We can gather and present evidence together with apparent causation factors so that you can better understand what has gone wrong and how to prevent it from happening in the future.

What happens during an investigation?

An effective investigation requires a methodical, structured approach to information gathering, collation, and analysis.

Health and safety investigations form an essential part of the monitoring process that you are required to carry out. Incidents, including near misses, can tell you a lot about how things are in reality.

Investigating your accidents and reported cases of occupational ill health will help you uncover and correct any breaches in health and safety legal compliance you may have been unaware of.

The fact that you thoroughly investigated an incident or accident and took remedial action to prevent further occurrences would help demonstrate to the HSE or even a court that your company has a positive attitude to health and safety.

Your investigation findings will also provide essential information for your insurers in the event of a claim.

OJ Health and Safety Solutions can also assist with the reporting of incidents under RIDDOR. This is a complex area and it is important to get it right to avoid issues later on.

Accident Investigation Enquiry Form

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3 easy ways to manage your health & safety with us


Monthly Payment

All of the below is included:

• Competent H&S Advisors
• Full Online Safety Management Systems
• Discounted training
• Large range of online courses
• Help with SSIP Accreditations
• 24-hour telephone advice
• 1&3 year agreements



One Off Payment

All of the below is included:

• Competent H&S Advisors
• Full Online Safety Management Systems
• Discounted training
• Large range of online courses
• Help with SSIP Accreditations
• 24-hour telephone advice
• 1&3 year agreements

FROM £566 PER Year


Bespoke Packages

Tailed to your business with the option of consultancy and training packages.

• Competent H&S Advisors
• Full Online Safety Management Systems
• Discounted training
• Large range of online courses
• Help with SSIP Accreditations
• 24-hour telephone advice
• 1&3 year agreements
