
Do you need a Noise Risk Assessment?

A noise risk assessment is carried out to ensure the safety and well-being of employees. There are around 2 million workers who are exposed to high levels of noise in their occupation. According to the HSE, an estimated 17,000 people in the UK suffer from ear-related conditions. These conditions include tinnitus, deafness, hyperacusis, and more. The assessments identify the origin, extent, and how employees are affected by the noise.

Noise Risk Assessment equipment

What does a Noise Risk Assessment entail?

Firstly, the level of noise in the workplace must be assessed. The risks relating to workers and surrounding people are also assessed to find out if they are too dangerous to continue. An evaluation is then carried out on the continued exposure to the noise, and the likelihood of it leading to any injuries.

Once these examinations have been completed, it is then determined if the company should take any precautions. If the noise is found to be unsafe and dangerous to the workers, surrounding people, or all parties then noise-control measures or hearing protection equipment should be implemented.

Who needs a noise risk assessment?

A noise risk assessment can be incredibly helpful in a variety of different industries. From construction to textile manufacturing, it can help preserve the health of your employees in the workplace. A healthy and happy workforce is much more productive and efficient than a workforce worrying about their health. If employees have to shout to communicate when they are close to each other, or if workers are exposed to 80 decibels or over, then a noise risk assessment is required.

Employees should not be exposed to 87 decibels when the correct PPE is used. Additionally, employers must provide the appropriate hearing protection and PPE if employees are exposed to levels of noise above 85 decibels. Furthermore, if exposed to regular levels of noise above 85, he employees must undergo regular hearing tests.

PPE for a Noise Risk assessment

What happens if a noise risk assessment isn’t carried out?

It is a regulatory requirement for the employer to assess the risks that noise could pose to their employees in the workplace. Once assessed, if the noise poses no dangers to the employees, then no further action is needed. Or if the noise does pose risks to the employees but a noise risk assessment has been carried out by a skilled and qualified individual, no further action is necessary if all appropriate measures determined by the risk assessment has been put in place.

However, if a noise assessment has not been carried out when it should have been, then the likelihood of an employee contracting an ear or hearing-related illness is high. The company can be found liable if the worker decides to sue. Therefore, it is essential to make sure that a workplace carries out all of the necessary noise requirements and provides protection if needed. If you want to find out more or make an enquiry, click here.
