
West Yorkshire

OJ Health and Safety: Ensuring a Secure Future in West Yorkshire


In the fast-paced and competitive business world, it is crucial for organisations to prioritise the health and safety of their employees and clients. OJ Health and Safety, a leading company based in West Yorkshire, understands the significance of maintaining a secure working environment. With a team of highly skilled professionals, OJ Health and Safety provides comprehensive services tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses across various industries. This article delves into the core values, services, and commitment of OJ Health and Safety, highlighting their contribution to promoting a culture of safety in West Yorkshire.

Core Values:

OJ Health and Safety is driven by a set of core values that underpin their operations and define their commitment to their clients. These values serve as a guiding force in delivering exceptional services and fostering lasting relationships:

  1. Expertise: OJ Health and Safety prides itself on having a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who possess extensive knowledge in health and safety regulations. Their expertise enables them to provide effective solutions and guidance to clients, ensuring compliance and reducing risks.
  2. Client-Centric Approach: OJ Health and Safety believes in building strong partnerships with their clients. They take the time to understand the unique requirements and challenges faced by each organisation, tailoring their services to meet specific needs. By prioritising open communication and collaboration, OJ Health and Safety ensures client satisfaction and long-term success.
  3. Innovation: OJ Health and Safety remains at the forefront of industry developments and best practices. They continuously strive to innovate and implement cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to enhance safety standards. By embracing advancements in the field, OJ Health and Safety offers forward-thinking solutions that keep their clients ahead of the curve.
Services Offered:

OJ Safety offers a comprehensive range of services, designed to address various aspects of health and safety management. Their offerings cover the following key areas:

  1. Risk Assessments: OJ Health and Safety conducts thorough risk assessments, identifying potential hazards and providing detailed reports to assist clients in mitigating risks effectively. By evaluating workplaces and operations, they recommend tailored solutions to improve safety and prevent accidents.
  2. Health and Safety Audits: OJ Health and Safety conducts comprehensive audits to evaluate the effectiveness of existing health and safety measures within organisations. Through these audits, they identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance compliance and minimise risks.
  3. Training and Education: OJ Health and Safety offers a wide range of training programs designed to equip employees and managers with the necessary knowledge and skills to maintain a safe working environment. From basic health and safety training to specialised courses, they ensure that clients have the expertise to handle potential hazards and emergencies.
  4. Compliance Assistance: Staying up-to-date with ever-evolving health and safety regulations can be challenging for businesses. OJ Health and Safety provides guidance and support to ensure clients remain compliant with legal requirements. Their experts offer advice, develop policies and procedures, and assist in obtaining relevant certifications.

Commitment to West Yorkshire:

As a local business in West Yorkshire, OJ Health and Safety is deeply committed to the community. They understand the unique challenges faced by businesses in the region and work closely with organisations to foster a culture of safety. By promoting safe practices, OJ Health and Safety contributes to the overall well-being of the workforce and the economic growth of the area.

Additionally, OJ Health and Safety actively participates in community initiatives, conducting awareness campaigns, and partnering with local organisations to spread knowledge about health and safety. Their commitment extends beyond their client base, as they strive to make West Yorkshire a safer place for all.


OJ Safety’s unwavering dedication to promoting health and safety in West Yorkshire has positioned them as a trusted partner for businesses across the region. With their core values of expertise, client-centric approach, and innovation, they consistently deliver exceptional services tailored to meet the unique needs of each organisation. By offering comprehensive services, fostering Health and Safety compliance, and actively contributing to the community, OJ Health and Safety ensures a secure future for businesses in West Yorkshire.

3 easy ways to manage your health & safety with us


Monthly Payment

All of the below is included:

• Competent H&S Advisors
• Full Online Safety Management Systems
• Discounted Training
• Large Range of online courses
• Help with SSIP Accreditations
• 24 hour telephone advice
• 1&3 Year Agreements



One Off Payment

All of the below is included:

• Competent H&S Advisors
• Full Online Safety Management Systems
• Discounted Training
• Large Range of online courses
• Help with SSIP Accreditations
• 24 hour telephone advice
• 1&3 Year Agreements



Bespoke Packages

Tailed to you business with the option consultancy and training packages.

• Competent H&S Advisors
• Full Online Safety Management Systems
• Discounted Training
• Large Range of online courses
• Help with SSIP Accreditations
• 24 hour telephone advice
• 1&3 Year Agreements

3 ways to manage HR with us


Monthly Payment

All of the below is included:

• Competent HR Advisors
• Full Contract of Employment
• Full Company Handbook
• Access to hundreds of HR Templates
• 24 hour telephone advice
• 1&3 Year Agreements



One Off Payment

All of the below is included:

• Competent HR Advisors
• Full Contract of Employment
• Full Company Handbook
• Access to hundreds of HR Templates
• 24 hour telephone advice
• 1&3 Year Agreements



Bespoke Packages

Tailored to you business with the option consultancy and training packages.

• Competent HR Advisors
• Full Contract of Employment
• Full Company Handbook
• Access to hundreds of HR Templates
• 24 hour telephone advice
• 1&3 Year Agreements
